Complaint and Mediator
I had been working in a sewing workshop with 4 Syrian and 5 Turkish workers for about 1.5 years. Because our employer abstains Turkish workers, he was paying their rights but as refugees we could not get our rights. We had a dispute between me and my employer because he did not issue my work permit and I quit the work. I left the job, but I have to get 2.500 TL from the workplace. I asked my employer for my balance wage. He said that he had no money, that he would pay my remaining fee when he got the money. After this conversation, I spoke to my employer again for several times. But he didn’t pay. When I called for the last time to try my luck, he hung up saying that he would not pay my remaining fee. I got a family that I’m responsible for, my house is rent, we cannot pay the bills and I couldn’t meet my children’s needs. I really need this money and I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid to complain because I worked unregistered without insurance.
I heard from my friends that the Refugee Support Association has a project called Workers Support Center. They said that they were very helpful. A few had applied and received free consultation. I called my friend and asked for the link to the page. So, I contacted the Worker Support Center and told them about the case. I learned from them that I have the right to complain even if I am employed as unregistered. They directed me to the Bar Association’s Legal Aid unit in my province, together with my witnesses and documents showing that I was employed unregistered. First I hesitated, then I went and applied to the Bar Association.
They recorded my complaint and offered me an appointment for a mediation meeting. Our mediator meeting was with my employer. In this meeting, my employer said that he would pay his debt and we agreed. Really my employer paid my money. I am so happy.